The Wonder of Windows Surfaces

The past year has involved a lot of trial and error especially when I am storyboarding which I have previously spoken about before, therefore I hadn't yet come up with a set way for me to storyboard until now...

As I am a creative person I wanted something that could mean I can doodle and sketch but then I needed it to be on the computer therefore I could access it easily throughout the development stage. Our department has recently gained some Windows Surface Pro 3's, at first I wasn't so bothered about trying them out however now I'm very glad I did. After scouring the Windows Store I came across an app called 'Bamboo Paper', as soon as I saw the screenshots I knew it would be the perfect app for me.

Within the app you're able to create pages in a book format for each new file you create which is great as I do a lot of different ELP's, therefore I have that ability to work on different storyboards at once. As it's on the surface's I can use the pen to draw and sketch out all of my ideas which is great for me as I am a keen drawer, below is an example of how I've done the storyboarding stage for an ELP I am working on.

The notes I have made are very rough and may not be easy to understand for a majority of people but this method is working well for me and it's allowing me to have a lot more creativity, I also feel like it's helping me come up with more ideas.

I hope this helps anybody out there who had the same struggle as me with storyboarding, or if you're just trying to find different ideas for yourself.

"My personal ambition remains the same - to be creative, to be modern, to stay one step ahead, to enjoy life." Natalie Massenet
I really love this quote!
Sarah x

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